Sunday, December 29, 2013

Out with 2013, in with 2014

Ah reflection time....
2013 was a big change in my fitness routine.  I started Crossfit in January and went at it 5-6 days a week out of the gate.  What a great year in gaining strength for me! In 2012 I lost 90lbs, with a cardio heavy interval training routine.  Started 2013 at 150, finished at 176 of more muscle on a smaller frame :)  2013 saw my first kipping pull up, first double unders and unassisted ring dip.  I was able to get up into a handstand on the wall and started working on hand stand push ups.  I can now deadlift 225lbs, snatch 75#, overhead squat 100, bench 100, clean and jerk 105 and back squat 150.  Took me 10 months, but I finally can jump on a 20" box, which is a huge accomplishment for me and my fear of heights. I managed to Rx Nancy (one of the bench mark crossfit workouts: 5 rounds of 15 overhead squats at 65# and 400m runs) I cannot wait to see what 2014 brings! 
Fitness goals I have set for the year:
10 unassisted strict pull ups
50 consecutive double unders
deadlift 300lbs
snatch 95lbs
bench 150
back squat 250
front squat 160
overhead squat 125
full range of motion hand stand push ups
jump on a 24" box
run 1 mile in under 8 min and a 5K in under 28min
20 consecutive full range of motion push ups
Rx Isabel, Grace and Fran 
the ellusive muscle up.....

some of these are things I should get by summer, some will be a stretch for the year......but hey, goals are something to shoot for and if you do not make them hard, what is the point? :)
Here's to making progress in the new year!