Sunday, March 23, 2014

meal planning is a big key to success

I get myself in trouble when I am really hungry and have nothing healthy to eat...yep we all crave fast food, carb heavy junk food, etc when we are stressed and hungry. Part of this is completely our bodies trying to get at the energy it requires when we go too long without eating.  Part of this is emotional eating that is so easy to do...
So now what?
Set yourself up for success!
I keep a box of quest bars, dried fruits and nuts and other easy to grab snacks in the car.  That way if I get kept our running errands late, I can grab a quick snack and not be tempted by the zillion drive thru options I am passing.
I spend 1-2 days per week meal planning and cooking for the week.  Main dishes, smaller portions for lunches.  It takes no more work to bake 2 whole chickens than it does to make one, but leftovers can be tossed in a crockpot for bbq chicken, or used for chicken salad, etc.  Leftovers does not mean eating the exact same thing several days in a row :)
For example-I browned and lightly seasoned 6 lbs of round beef last week.  I put 2 pounds in a spaghetti squash lasagna, 2 lbs in a chili, 1 lb in a frittata for breakfast and the rest on a homemade pizza.  That's a lot of bang for your 1 cooking buck :)
Be creative, plan ahead and eat better