Tuesday, July 3, 2012

New and exciting things to come :)
I am doing a 30 day bootcamp to help get me motivated to grow my blog and my contacts in my goal of spreading information and support for fitness and nutrition.  As a part of this endeavor, I am going to be creating a weekly kid friendly recipe and trying to target the families and staff at the day care center my daughter attends.  Everyday I notice many of the staff and parents are overweight and seem to be tired and dragging.  I can't wait to get started on reaching out to them.  First, need to find a venue to host a weekly email distribution that is graphic friendly and searchable.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

back on the train..

well life gets in the way of the best laid plans sometimes.  Here I was thinking I would try to post daily, and here I go a whole month between posts....Lillian got the GI bug, my husband got the nasty cold, and I got both.  Hard few weeks.  Still not 100% better, but did manage a decent run tonight.  I was so tired after work I almost bailed and went home.  But I did not give up, I went to the gym and got it DONE :)
Of course then I made chocolate chip cookies for dessert (while catching up on the Biggest Loser no less).  Baby steps

Monday, January 9, 2012

snowy january and sick days

Now that the excitement of new years is waning and the reality of a cold dark winter is setting in, how are your fitness goals coming along? It is so easy to curl up at home on the coach with a warm cup of cocoa and start skipping workouts.  Hiding behind baggy sweaters and not wanting to venture out into the dark and cold for those early morning (or late evening) workouts can also sidetrack us.  Throw in that fabulous winter cold many of us are fighting and it becomes a real challenge.  I'm hanging in there.  Had to miss the gym last week because my daughter had a cold and couldn't go to the gym daycare, and this weekend because now I have said cold.  But, getting things in when I can (pushups, situps, jumping around and dancing with the baby, etc) and will hopefully get back to the gym soon.
Excited by the latest kickoff episode for Biggest Loser-No Excuses.

Monday, January 2, 2012

monday, monday

How I love Mondays...not.
My current schedule has me working overnights Sunday and Monday.  So I leave work sometime between 7-7:30am Monday morning and get to be back at work by 5pm Monday night.  Makes it tough to sleep, let alone get a work out in.  Today, no such luck on working out.  Got an hour of sleep before munchkin woke up.....Decided to go get a much needed haircut rather than try to cram in gym time today.  But tomorrow, gym time will happen.  Trying to make up for it by having grilled fish tacos for dinner tonight at work.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Resolutions? Good idea or waste of time?

Ah New Years day... a time for a fresh start.  Lofty goals usually follow.  The gym gets REALLY crowded, but within 5-6 weeks, its back to the old regulars again.  Why do so many people make huge resolutions that are bound to fail? I am not a fan of sweeping and broad resolutions.  Don't get me wrong, setting goals is important to achieving any form of change in your life.  Change comes from the little things we do every day, not huge changes in lifestyle that are difficult to stick with.  Most people try to make too many big changes at once, and as soon as they slip up they just quit at all of it.  I prefer the bite size goal approach.  For example, this week I want to write in my blog daily.  Next week, maybe I will add another small goal (drink one more glass of water a day) ON TOP OF this weeks goal.  Sure I will mess up and skip a day.  Heck, sometimes I have a whole week that is not healthy.  But the important thing is to get back on that horse and keep on trucking.  This is the only way I have been able to make any changes in my life that last.  How about you?

Happy first birthday baby girl :)