Monday, January 9, 2012

snowy january and sick days

Now that the excitement of new years is waning and the reality of a cold dark winter is setting in, how are your fitness goals coming along? It is so easy to curl up at home on the coach with a warm cup of cocoa and start skipping workouts.  Hiding behind baggy sweaters and not wanting to venture out into the dark and cold for those early morning (or late evening) workouts can also sidetrack us.  Throw in that fabulous winter cold many of us are fighting and it becomes a real challenge.  I'm hanging in there.  Had to miss the gym last week because my daughter had a cold and couldn't go to the gym daycare, and this weekend because now I have said cold.  But, getting things in when I can (pushups, situps, jumping around and dancing with the baby, etc) and will hopefully get back to the gym soon.
Excited by the latest kickoff episode for Biggest Loser-No Excuses.

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