Wednesday, November 20, 2013

holiday stress..i mean fun!

The holiday season is upon us.  Events revolve around food, we are all even more short on time than usual with travelling, entertaining, etc and added financial stress and expectations of gift giving....Many many people gain significant amounts of weight during the 6 weeks between Thanksgiving and New Years.  So how do we stop this trend, since it basically takes you the rest of the year to lose 20 lbs?
Manage your stress.  The easiest way for me is to be realistic in my expectations.  Budget appropriately for you.  Do not feel like you have to keep up with anyone and remember the thought is way more important (or should be) than any material goods.
Eat at home and not out as much as you can.  This helps you stay on track with what you are eating, keeps portions more reasonable and helps with that budget.
Make time for yourself every day.  Get a walk in. Get that workout in.  Just do it.
Try to surround yourself with supportive people.  We all have those family members and family friends that want to overfeed us, encourage us to overindulge, etc.  Be honest with them and with yourself about what you want to put in your body.
Do not beat yourself about a bad decision.  The whole day is not lost because you had a cookie.  Move on and do better :)

Sunday, November 3, 2013

weight is just a number....

I have worked hard since my daughter was born.  For almost a year now, I have been doing Crossfit (high intensity training) and have actually gained 22 lbs.  Yep, GAINED.  But I think photos tell far more than numbers in this one.  Muscle weighs more than fat.  I can lift much more now than I could when I started (just set a hang power clean PR this week at 105 lbs) and am far stronger now.  I have also improved my flexibility and endurance.  If gaining strength means gaining weight, bring it on :)
Today's photos:
current stats:
chest 38"
waist 34.5"
hips 41.5"
weight 173 lbs

Long time, no see.....I had every intention of keeping up with this better....let's see if I can improve on that :)
This week I am starting a new adventure.  My husband and I are starting the 24 day Advocare challenge.  I am hoping this product line compliments my workout schedule and can help me decrease my body fat a few percentages.  Took "before" photos today, which is always a nerve racking experience.  Cannot wait to see what the next month brings!