Sunday, January 12, 2014

like mother, like daughter

My just turned 3 year old has turned into something of an opinionated DIVA.  Trying to find her new balance between wanting to be a baby and wanting to do everything herself translates into a daily battle.  Add in everyday stress of 2 full time working parents with different schedules and a long commute since moving into our new house last month, tantrums are happening on both sides of this relationship.  
Trying to find my inner calm and be patient with her while we are 20 minutes late getting out the door is a real challenge to say the least...
In our continuing to unpack today, I ran across the baby book my mom wrote for me.  Along with the guilt for  not even starting Lil's book and her now being 3 aside, I opened to the section on Threes.  Found a passage my mom wrote about me having to get dressed myself and how stubborn I was and realized that I could have written that exact passage this morning about my daughter....guess the apple does not fall far from the tree :)

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